Head of PhD Programme:  Joanna Sypecka MD PhD MMRI Prof.

Department of Restorative Neurobiology
phone (+48) 22 60 86 508, 
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Room B123

PhD Student Affairs Office: Aleksandra Bilmin MA Eng.
Administration Office
phone (+48) 22 60 86 453, 
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Room B114 (Monday-Thursday)


Doctoral Schools:




Interdisciplinary full-time doctoral programme
Development and application of bioengineering and IT methods in prevention, diagnostics and treatment of civilisation diseases: comprehensive development of professional competences of young researchers Och!DOK

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The consortium is composed of three research institutes of Polish Academy of Sciences:
- Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS (Polish: IBIB PAN) - (Leader)
- Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences (Polish: IPPT PAN)
- Mossakowski Medical Research Institute (MMRI PAS)

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The specific aim of POWER project is to increase the quality and effectiveness of PhD programme. The activities included in the programme involve the opportunities to acquire and deepen the knowledge of various disciplines but also interdisciplinary studies facilitated by the collaborating group of partner institutes (IBIB,IPPT, MMRI).
The offer provides a unique possibility of combining the following disciplines: Medical biology, Medicine in life sciences and five disciplines in engineering sciences: Biocybernetics and Biological Engineering, Electronics, IT and Material engineering.

The aim will be achieved by:
• Designing joint interdisciplinary education offer for PhD including jointly run PhD courses (in compliance with the Act on Academic Degrees and Titles (Journal of Laws (Dz. U.) of 2014 item 1852)
• Including PhD students in advanced research towards designing new bioengineering and IT methods for diagnostics and treatment of civilisation diseases
• Enforcement of education effectiveness of teaching staff and support of research and development of PhD students by facilitating their participation in conferences and training schemes and by establishing additional scholarship programme for interdisciplinary PhD
• Stimulation of social and managerial competences in PhD students at 3 summer schools (seminars and workshops)

The project will help towards the development of a long-term didactic collaboration between the partners and production of mutual benefits in the education of high-class interdisciplinary specialists with a PhD degree. Complementarity of research profiles will allow to achieve synergy in a long-term perspective of the development of research, integration and enhancement of research potential of Kampusu Ochota (BioCentrum Ochota).
Project implemented within Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 co-funded by European Social Fund (ESF); ESF contribution under Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 for the project deployment amounts to PLN 6 052 291,00.

Interdisciplinarny PhD programme involves the following research areas:
1. Analyses of biological mechanisms at the molecular level
2. Pathomechanisms and diagnostics of civilisation and neurodegenerative diseases
3. Ultrasound diagnostics
4. Biomedical therapy strategies
5. Regenerative therapies /improvement in the quality of life